About Local 70742

Who we serve!

Presently Local 70742 has over seven hundred members at various locations across the Outaouais.

Place Vincent Massey, 351 Saint Joseph Boulevard
Fontaine Building, 200 Sacre-Coeur Boulevard
Varennes, 29 rue de Varennes

What the Local does for you!

Executives of Local 70742 are made up of volunteers elected by the membership. Your executive offers a wide array of services from initial triage of delicate situations to ensure the safety and well-being of each and every member that we represent. Your Executive sits in on various building occupational health and safety organizations as well as the various Labour/Management committees within the Outaouais representing the membership.

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Don de $1000.00 au Centre d’intervention en abus sexuels pour la famille


Don de $1000.00 à Moisson Outaouais


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Without returning your signed membership card, you are not a full member which means you pay full dues without the benefits of full membership. When you sign your card, you earn the right to vote at membership meetings. It’s easy and it’s free. Fill out your membership registration card and help keep your Local strong. Click below to become a member.


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